Snowmobile Chassis Lifespan

11/21/2022 9:52:37 AM ET   SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge Series

SAE recently has received a rules inquiry about whether the 2021 competition year counts towards the use of the team’s chassis per SAE Clean Snowmobile Rule V.1.1.4 Teams are allowed to compete with a specific chassis VIN for no more than 5 competition years.

Since teams did not physically work on or compete with their snowmobiles for the all-virtual competition hosted in 2021, SAE will not count the 2021 competition season as part of the 5-year restriction, defined in Rule V.1.1.4. This will give teams one additional year of eligibility; however, the snowmobile must still meet the 2017 – 2023 requirement defined in Rule V.1.1.3.

Please if you have any questions or need further clarification, submit a rules inquiry on saecleansnowmobile.com.